Nairobi West Hospital (NWH) is a 24 hour; 150-bed capacity, fully fledged modern medical facility. Our mission is to provide healthcare services in line with best practices. At NWH, we...
The Mater Hospital was opened in 1962 by the Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic Order of Nuns originating from Ireland, three years after registering themselves as the Registered Trustees of...
Lions Sight has a Vision of be the leading eye hospital in East and Central Africa. It has a mission to eliminate preventable and treatable blindness by offering equitable,...
The Nairobi Hospital Diagnostic Laboratries provides services for both the Nairobi Hospital and other medical institutions in the country and around East Africa Region for rare tests. The department...
The hospital is a non-profit organization, chartered with responsibilities benefiting humankind such as providing health services, fostering good health, carrying out research and teaching healthcare professionals. Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital aims...
Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi (AKUH,N) is a private, not-for-profit institution that provides tertiary and secondary level health care services. The Hospital receives referrals for specialized medical care and diagnostic...
Mji wa Huruma is an informal settlement in the outskirts of Runda and an outreach area of the Gertrudes Children’s Hospital Community clinic in Githogoro.