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German School Nairobi, Michael-Grzimek-Schule
Limuru Road, opposite Village Market

, Muthaiga , Nairobi

Contact information

Mob: 0721-258417, 0733-445685
Postal address
P.O. Box 978
00621 Nairobi, Kenya

Institution type

Institution type
  • Primary
  • Secondary
About German School Nairobi, Michael-Grzimek-Schule
Founded in 1969, the German School Nairobi is a German speaking school accredited by the The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bilingual Kindergarten Boarding House Enrolment Scholarship Programme For Kenyan Students Sports Cultural Activities And Events Resource Centre German School Society Students' Council Parents Committees
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