Centum Investment Company Limited
Mama ngina street, City Square , Nairobi

Contact information

(+254) 20 228 6000 /316 303
Postal address
P.O. Box 10518-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Registration Information

Legal Entity
Public Limited Company
About Centum Investment Company Limited

Centum is a leading East African investment company that is listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange and cross-listed on the Uganda Securities Exchange.We are an investment channel providing investors with access to a portfolio of inaccessible, quality, diversified investments. Our key objective is to consistently generate a return on capital that is above market returns through investments in Private Equity, Quoted Private Equity and Real Estate & Infrastructure. Our vision is to be Africa's foremost investment channel. Our mission is to create real, tangible wealth by providing the channel through which investors access and build extraordinary enterprises in Africa. Our Business: we maintain focus through three distinct business lines namely; Private Equity, Quoted Private Equity and Real Estate & Infrastructure.

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