Tej Architects
Jabavu Road, Kilimani, Nairobi, Kilimani , Nairobi

Contact information

020 2719086
About Tej Architects

Tej Architects is an Architectural firm based in Nairobi and registered in Kenya in 1994. It offers Architectural Consultancy Services for building projects ranging from housing, industrial, institutional and interior design using fully computerized design and production tools.

Tej Architects is an Architectural firm based in Nairobi and registered in Kenya in 1994. It offers Architectural Consultancy Services for building projects ranging from housing, industrial, institutional and interior design using fully computerized design and production tools. From a humble beginning, the firm has grown steadily over the years. It has very qualified team of staff headed by Mr. Julius Kipketer, the Principal Partner. He is a renowned Architect with a proven track record in addition to practical training attained under employment in leading consultancy firms in Kenya. He has also been a key player in various professional and non-professional bodies, where his leadership skills have been called upon time and time again.



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