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How do I go about finding a good school in Nairobi?

If I move in to Nairobi, what channels should I take to Identify the best schools that my children can go to? I have a kid in sixth garde and one in junior high. Any advice?
  • Replied by Maxwell Kipchirchir on Tuesday, November 20 2012, 03:10 PM · Hide · #1
    you can contact the local government for that.
    1 vote by Wilson
  • Replied by Wilson on Tuesday, November 20 2012, 03:16 PM · Hide · #2
    Hey Molly,

    There are a lot of factor that you have to consider such as the location you will eventually settle in and what system of education you want for your children.
  • Replied by John Kamau on Tuesday, November 20 2012, 03:40 PM · Hide · #3
    The system of Education in Kenya is quite different from that of abroad. It would be great if you take a look at the way these systems of education differs. However, There are schools that offer same system of education offered in the west such as Braeburn schools.


    1. http://thegcg.org/education0.aspx?gclid=CJuxqerH3bMCFUfJtAodEFgAqw
    2. http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/772/Kenya-EDUCATIONAL-SYSTEM-OVERVIEW.html
    3. http://www.braeburnschool.braeburn.com/
    1 vote by Wilson
  • Replied by Expat-to-expat on Thursday, November 29 2012, 12:03 PM · Hide · #4
    Difficult question indeed!

    There are so many things you have to think of when selecting a school:
    curriculum, location, size, teacher/children ratio, school policies, religious profile, fees, after-school activities offer, general atmosphere and even things like disciplining methods favoured by the school. Also, it's good to have an idea of what you are expecting within the next few years: moving across the border perhaps?, and if an how that can influence the choice for the current school.

    We offer help with making this choice. Our education adviser has good knowledge of the existing school, and of the challenges families with temporary positions in different countries are facing.
    2 votes by Jacent Properties, JDA
    Replied by Kevin Kazungu on Tuesday, December 11 2012, 12:57 PM · Hide · #5
    I really think it will depend with the kind of education system you want for your children.
    take a look at the ministries education's site and some articles I've attached.
    hope they'll help/ ;)


    1. http://www.education.go.ke/Home.aspx?department=1
    2. http://www.kenpro.org/papers/education-system-kenya-independence.htm
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