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Omar Bahij on Tuesday, November 20 2012, 12:42 PM

Which agents specialize with foreign investors?

I'm thinking of bringing in my business to Kenya. However, I find it hard to find information on locations, market conditions and moving.
I would like some help with knowing which agents have experience in settling foreigners and their investments.
  • Replied by Kennedy Otieno on Tuesday, December 11 2012, 02:11 PM · Hide · #1
    Hey, try reaching out to Realcom agents. They can be helpful.
  • Replied by Alfred nene kamau on Monday, March 25 2013, 12:21 PM · Hide · #2
    Hi Mr Omar I hope by now you've the information you are looking for ,However I wish to lend a hand in case you still need it.first it depends on what you are looking for the best place to know about the Kenyan market is the Nairobi stock exchange , a keen eye will tell you the economy is doing well ,www.nse.co.ke , www.nationaudio.com ,www.magicalkenya.com

    About the location this also goes down to what your company does,target clientele and amount you are willing to spend on your location since different locations attract different clientele and prices.For us we can assist you get a place to live and facilitate your movement around as you do your ground work,more over we will be more than willing to assist you with facts,news and ideas based on what your requirements will be,kindly check as on www.carhirekenya.kbo.co.ke

    Thank you and wishing you well as we look forward to welcoming you.
    2 votes by Omar Bahij, Wilson
  • Replied by Isaac Mukhwana on Monday, April 15 2013, 10:26 PM · Hide · #3
    It much depends with your preferences, areas of interest, location....all dependendent on the size of investment. If you need a deeper explanation....kindly email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Replied by Omar Bahij on Wednesday, April 17 2013, 12:58 PM · Hide · #4
    Thank you all.
    I've however managed to come to Kenya and found my footing with the help of a few friends.
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