Won't taxing landlords result to automatic raise in rent?
There is the buzz regarding taxing landlords and my greatest fear is having to pay more when that comes to play. I wish there are laws that govern and protects tenants. Anyone else feeling the same?
Replied by Realcom on Sunday, November 25 2012, 06:59 PM·Hide·#1
Hello Vams,
Rent paid by a tenant to a landlord is based on a legally binding lease executed between the two parties namely the landlord and the tenant.
Since KRA seems to suggest that many landlords have not been declaring there rental income, then it's possible that the landlords will gradually pass the "new cost" to the tenants.
If a landlord chooses to increase rent then, he has to follow certain steps. If he doesn't follow certain steps then there are remedies available in law at, the tenants disposal.
Please contact Realcom (www.realcom.co.ke) if you need further assistance.