langata road serenity at its best
Very secure with 24hr manned security, high perimeter wall, spacious 2 bedrooms to accommodate two or four sharing, extra bed for extra person especially if coming with a child under 18years, spacious kitchen with microwave, fridge, etc, The guests should expect high standards of house keeping, two lovely and friendly couple hosts, and all the assistance they would require to make their stay and experience unforgettable The apartment is a walking distance to Amref and wilson Airport. The famous Carnivore Restaurant owned by Tamarind group is also a walking distance among others within the vicinity. We have a huge shopping hyper sharing fence with wilson Airport. Recreation gardens, Uhuru Gardens, where Kenya first Hoisted it's National flag. Two Miles away, we have the Nairobi National game park with all kinds of wild animals found in Masaai Mara game reserve. Can easily access the Galleria Restaurant in Karen shopping centre, Bomas Of Kenya and many other attractions like the giraffe centre, etc are nearby. One hundred meters from the main Langata road where there is a Public transport system. It is also near a bypass to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport which is only 12 km away- No traffic hold ups. Airport transfers at very affordable rates is available We provide free wifi internet connection, free pay tv (DSTV), availability of Bicycle for exercising or reaching destinations like the Airport or Amref for Amref students. RATES:-upon application call 0718796363..