Anza offers 3 types of listings that will enable developers to reach thousands of new potential clients each month. Listing on Anza is currently 100% free and opens up a new marketing channel that will bring in new leads directly to your inbox.
Company listings
After you have created a personal user account, you can create your own company profile page that includes a logo, your company description as well as the services you provide. This page is also home to all other estate and property listings you manage on Anza. Users can contact you directly through an embedded form.
Estate listings
In April of this year, Anza launched a unique new listing type for estates or developments. The listing allows you to provide information on the development status and availability of different property types within the development. This page provides potential clients with a new way to stay up to date on your development and will greatly improve lead generation.
Property listings
The most common listing in Anza is the property listing. When people search on Anza, the look for specific property features such as the location, number of bedrooms & bathrooms and more. These property listings will show up in their search when they match the search criteria. If the listed property is part of a development, the user can easily click through to the estate listing to find out more information about the development.