Although online property marketing is reaching an ever increasing importance, a good marketing mix is still advisable. Get the best of both worlds by also advertising your key property listings in the Finder.
The Finder is a free categorized property and holidays digest. It is divided into seven categories covering all aspects of property development and management including Residential, Commercial, and Land adverts. It contains sections for both properties for sale as well as those offered to let. Anza contributes to The Finder by providing trends and sales asking price comparisons as well. This monthly magazine allows real estate agents to advertise their higher end properties offline to another audience at a discounted rate.
The tabulated side index helps the reader navigate straight to the sections they are looking for. Within each section and location, there is a resource guide i.e schools, shopping malls, banks, hospitals etc as we recognize that location is of high importance. Articles on various categories are precise and written in an easy to read format without diluting the content.