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Keyraguj James on Monday, November 12 2012, 02:19 PM

Is it advisable to acts as my own agent on occasion that the seller of a property I intend to go for already has an agent?

Hey guys, I intend to buy a house but I don't have an agent of my own. A friend advised me that it's advisable to have an agent of my own in this scenario but I am not sure. can anyone advice? :D
  • Replied by Anza Kenya on Wednesday, August 28 2013, 03:46 PM · Hide · #1
    Going solo may be cheaper but is never the best way to take. In a tricky market and business area as the real estate you will need guidance from a professional in all that you will do. With a good Realtor, all your interests will be catered for with your best interest in mind. Here are some of the Here are some of the factors that I have based my opinion on.

    1. Experience and Know How
    Hiring someone with good experience and the know how of doing a job he/she has specialized in always results to a job being done in the proper way. The same way it makes sense for a businessman to hire a computer software programer to develop a high end product for him, hiring a realtor to handle your real estate need is advisable.

    2. Neighborhood information
    Real estate agents will always have reliable information about a locale that will help you know if you want to go to a pace or find another locale. Also having a good agent will help you settle in seamlessly when given all information that will a be useful.

    3. Market conditions
    Whether you are selling or buying, an real estate agent will give you good advice on how the market conditions are in a specific location. With the ever changing market conditions, you will need a close analysis of everything to make sure you have the best for the best market price.

    4. Price guide
    A good agent will help to guide you on making the right choice for what you want. This is contrary to the notion that he/she will set a price on your behalf. When it comes to negotiations, they will factor in a number of issues such as the demand, supply as well as condition of the property to give you the best value as a buyer or seller.

    5. Negotiation skills
    When it comes to negotiations, good agent will act on your behalf to ensure the best deal comes to your side, and not act as an intermediate who will just pass information from seller to buyer and vice versa. Top agents are skilled enough to not get emotionally vested in negotiations, hence guarantee for a good deal in your part as a seller or buyer. As professionals, they will also uphold confidentiality and secrecy in any transaction that they are involved.

    6. Questions
    As a novice in the business, either as a buyer or seller, you will need someone to keep you well informed on the right moves, when to do what and what to expect. Its a great thing to always be a step ahead on all aspects of buying or selling process. Also, agents handle most of the paper work that is experienced in real estate transactions, easing the burden and hustle involved. .

    These are just but a few reasons that will help in making your decision. I hope this helps.
    Anza. ;)
  • Replied by Wilson on Wednesday, November 14 2012, 12:48 PM · Hide · #2
    I guess it is advisable to get one. Depending on the knowledge you have on the market trend of the locale in question.
    Replied by Realcom on Tuesday, November 13 2012, 09:26 PM · Hide · #3
    While many People appear to be favoring the concept of "do-it-yourself," Realcom advises that it may not be the wisest choice to apply that line of thinking to home buying.

    The increased presence of online real estate listings and the rapid-fire way consumers can obtain and consume information lead some to believe they can buy a home on their own. However, those home buyers may be denying themselves significant advantages by not using a real estate agent.


    1. It helps to have an ally

    By hiring a buyers estate agent, a home buyer can align themselves with a partner who can negotiate on their behalf, find a home that suits them best and walk them through the process from start to finish.

    2. A real estate agent can make informed suggestions

    Home buyers may think they have a good grasp of the local market, but any number of factors can make one property a better choice than another.
    A buyer's real estate agent - particularly one that has a deep knowledge of the local market - can point home buyers in the right direction, providing them with an idea of how much they can expect to spend and finding them a property that suits their budget and desires.
    A home buyer's estate agent can also recommend a qualified home inspector, help lay out certain concessions to ask of the home seller and arrange a written offer that suits the home buyer.

    3. Most times, an agent's fees are folded into the sales price

    A home buyer may think they are saving money by not using a buyer's real estate agent. In reality especially in Kenya, the seller most often pays for a real estate agent's services, and the buyer's real estate agent generally splits the commission with the seller's agent.
    A buyer's real estate agent has the knowledge and expertise to benefit the home buyer at the negotiating table, which could make it a smart move to hire one.

    For more details on how to select a qualified estate agent, contact us at www.realcom.co.ke
    1 vote by Anza Kenya
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