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Nancy Oduor on Monday, November 05 2012, 10:07 PM

What is the difference between freehold and leasehold titles?

What do I need to know about this to be able to make the right decision?
  • Replied by Wilson on Wednesday, November 07 2012, 04:14 PM · Hide · #1
    I think the major difference is how you get to use your land and the freedom the title have.
    Leasehold titles come with conditions that must be upheld and runs for a given period of time, which when its over can be extended or the land is reposed.
    hop That helps, chheerz


    1. http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=VyzXGG3pmSoC&pg=SA1-PA4&lpg=SA1-PA4&dq=difference+between+freehold+and+leasehold,+kenya&source=bl&ots=dxeuuGRF-f&sig=aIXqHvUJ4v1MP9sHVIDwnGZPQt4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7lyaUMn2D6Gg4gSWxYGYDA&ved=0CFEQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=difference%20between%20freehold%20and%20leasehold%2C%20kenya&f=false
    • Nancy Oduor - more than a month ago
      That's great help. Thanks. :)
  • Replied by John Kamau on Wednesday, November 07 2012, 05:58 PM · Hide · #2
    Wazzup Nancy,
    What you should know before making a decision is how you intend to use the property. Leasehold titles have restrictions and would bar progress that might be part of your plans. However, if your intended plans run for a short while, say 50 years, then a leasehold can be good for you. ;)
  • Replied by Wilson on Monday, November 12 2012, 01:11 PM · Hide · #3
    Leasehold titles have some degree of restrictions attached to them. What you really need to know is if what you intend to do with these land conforms to the conditions you have for this property.
    Freehold is always best for long term plans.
  • Replied by Kennedy Otieno on Monday, November 12 2012, 01:52 PM · Hide · #4
    Hi Nancy,
    If its land you are purchasing, then freehold is the best since you have more right over what you do with it. If the property is yours, then leasing it is a great idea, considering you may have a better deal in days after the lease is over. Also, it may be a burden if the value of these area depreciates.
    What you really need to know is how you will use that property once you get it.
    Replied by Nancy Oduor on Monday, November 12 2012, 04:16 PM · Hide · #5
    Thanks to all, This has been so helpful. :)
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