6 Storey Apartments for Sale in Eastleigh Nairobi Kenya - rent 500k pm. The Six storey Block of Flats for Sale in Nairobi are in Eastleigh and in a densely populated area. The properties occupancies in this area is very high due to its proximity to Nairobi Central Business District, Industrial Area, Gikomba Market. 6 Storey Apartments for Sale in Eastleigh Nairobi Kenya - rent 500k pm. The Six storey Block of Flats for Sale in Nairobi are in Eastleigh and in a densely populated area. The properties occupancies in this area is very high due to its proximity to Nairobi Central Business District, Industrial Area, Gikomba Market. Eastleigh has hence continued to grow in importance as a rental investment spot due to the good rental income and high occupancy. 6 Storey Building - 3 Shops - 5 units of 3 bedrooms - 15 units of 2 bedrooms - 3 units of 1 bedroom - 3 units of bedsitters With an asking price of Kes 69m, this property is well priced for a real estate investment in Nairobi Kenya. Most stand alone with this type of rental income in the plush areas of Nairobi would range from 90 - 120 million. It is hence a very sensible investment due to its return on investment and sustainability. Properties for sale in Nairobi Kenya by Nairobi Real Estates Limited.